Welcome to a special edition of Trillium Talk, your must-see briefing from Village Media’s team of journalists at the Ontario Legislature.
Although this segment usually runs on Sunday mornings, we're ramping things up now that Premier Doug Ford has officially triggered a provincial election.
Every weekday during the campaign, Village Media's Scott Sexsmith will sit down with one of our staffers at Queen's Park to talk about the big developments of the day.
On the show today is reporter Alan S. Hale, who is ready to hit the campaign trail. He joins us from right outside the lieutenant-governor's office, where Ford today officially asked for the legislature to be dissolved.
Looking for previous episodes of Trillium Talk? You can find all of them HERE.
Operated by Village Media, a leader in local journalism, The Trillium is a comprehensive news and information source devoted exclusively to insider coverage of Ontario politics.
Passionate and plugged in, The Trillium delivers the major political headlines of the day while unpacking complex policy changes and digging deeper into key issues that impact every Ontarian. Our dogged journalists also keep a close watch on legislative debates, question period, public appointments, lobbying activity and regulatory proposals.
The Trillium is a subscription-based news service designed especially for Queen’s Park stakeholders, such as public servants, political staffers, business leaders, lobbyists and strategists. But the site also features free content that is regularly published across our chain of local news sites.
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